Saturday, March 31, 2012

Alvin, The Very Sad Dragon


Alvin the Dragon
As a final wrap-up activity for our Fair Tale Unit, we wrote a class book titled "The Very Sad Dragon."  We started by reviewing the elements of a fiction story.  We then generated a list of ideas.  I wish I had remembered to take a photo of our list.  I told the kids that I wanted to use photos to illustrate the book so that limited us a little.  We agreed right away that the characters would be our class and a dragon - the kids love our dress-up dragon (and I'm good at putting ideas in their heads :). We came up with lots of possible dragon names and then voted on our favorite....and Alvin the Dragon was born. 
The cover of our book.

We agreed the setting would be our classroom and playground.  We then generated a long list of possible problems our dragon might have including no friends, can't breath fire, burns down things, hungry, no toys, afraid and something about a volcano.  We then wrote a list of possible solutions to each of the problems. The kids were so sweet.  They would be the dragon's friends, share their snack, and give him toys.
I then went home and wrote a very simple story about a sad dragon who was hiding on our playground because he was afraid to go to school.  The kids were shocked because they loved school and offered to have him come to our class so he could see how much fun it is to go to school and learn.  We explained what we do in school each day including sitting quietly and raising our hands during circle time.  

The kids edited my version - mainly by adding more details about our day including showing Alvin how we do OREO words, play games and retell Fairy Tales.  Alvin also played chase the princesses and knights in our castle.  I took lots of pictures of Alvin and the kids:

 I also wrote a note from Alvin that we would use for the book:

The kids were thrilled when I told them that I had brought a real surprise for them.

The kids went on a hunt and each found an egg.  Inside each egg was a little dragon finger puppet I had made (mainly to celebrate the end of our fairy tale unit but it went so well with our story I had to work it in).
The puppets were from a pattern I found on Cheryl Leu's wonderful website Crack of Dawn Crafts.  They were really easy...I made 20 in a couple of hours while I watched tv for about $3.  
The kids loved the book.  I laminated a color copy for our classroom and sent home a black and white version with each child.  I know this post is too long, but I hope I've been able to explain what we  did - it was lots of fun!



  1. Hi there,
    How cute is your blog and love the dragons. I just found you and am your newest follower.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Lyn, This is wonderful! I love your blog! Great job! I am going to add you to my blog list asap! Keep it up! I am following you now so I don't miss any of your good stuff!


    1. Sally, Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I would love to be added to your blog list. Lyn

  3. Wow, what a fun adventure! The puppets turned out so cute! I am so proud to have been a teeny part of it! How lucky these guys are to have you as a teacher...


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