Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fairy Tales - Jack and the Beanstalk

This is the Bean Stalk that is in our classroom.  I made it by twisting long pieces of bulletin board paper. I added a giant cardboard boot and used a "snow cover" that I got after Christmas to make the cloud.  The kids made the giant leaves (using tracers).

This is one of my favorite ways to grow plants.  The kids put a paper towel in a baby food jar and then a bean and then added water (it is important that just the paper towel is wet and the bean does not sit in water or it will get moldy).  The little castle is attached to a stick (bought "bamboo" placemats at the dollar store so I got lots of sticks for $1).  They then drew a little picture of themselves that is taped to the jar.  As the bean grows, we wind it around the stick.  So cute!


  1. HOLY MOLY! I am in love! This is so stinkin' cute!

    I adore your blog and feel so blessed to have found it! =)

    You are truly an inspiration! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. I love the idea for planting beans using the pictures and stick, fantastic! I just pinned this to my fairy tales board :)
    Vanessa @pre-kpages.com

    1. Vanessa, I'm so glad. I've used so many ideas from your blog. Thanks!

  3. I LOVE THIS!! I love all your ideas, I am so glad you found me and I found you!! I'm following, can't wait to look around and read more :)
    The Resource(ful) Room

  4. Thanks Amy. I love that blogs make it so easy to find and share great ideas.

  5. How do the sticks stay standing up in the jar? Did you tape it to the side?

    1. Hi Kristin
      The sticks are thin and are taped to the glass. I then taped the child's drawing (that was done on 1/2 of a 3x5 card and then trimmed) over the stick.

  6. I'm going to do the bean plant activity! So excited!

    Does it matter what kind of bean seed is used? Also, does the seed need to be enveloped in the paper towel? Or is sitting on top of the wet paper towel fine? I wasn't sure if the seed needed to be covered.


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