Monday, August 20, 2012

Make It Monday - Birthday Crowns and Bags

I am trying to follow the example of so many of you and get ready for birthdays now.  In the past I made a simple crown out of a sentence strip and wrote "Happy Birthday (student's name)" and then let the student decorate his or her crown with stickers.  The student then stood on a chair while we sang Happy Birthday.  I loved the many verses the children in Chester (where I taught kindergarten) always added.  After we sang "Happy Birthday" and "How Old Are You Now?" the student sang "I'm 5 years old, I'm 5 years old, I'm 5 years old," then the class sang "May God Bless You (also 3 times)" (all to the tune of Happy Birthday).  It took forever but there was no stopping it because that just the way birthdays were done in that community:)

But I digress, this year I decided to get all my crowns and birthday goodie bags done in advance.  I fell in love with the birthday crowns that Kathryn at Kindergarten...Kindergarten... made.  She has a very detailed tutorial here. This is what my crowns turned out like.  I think they are really cute.  I will simply attach the cake to a sentence strip when it is time to celebrate that child's birthday.

I also decided to make a little birthday bag for each birthday child.  Mine are much simpler than the adorable ones that Cara at The First Grade Parade made.  I took colored bags that I had and glued on a birthday cake shape that I found at Target's Dollar Spot (24 for $1).  Inside the bag I put a rubber ball, a notepad (88 cents for 4 at Walmart - I have these little pads at the writing center and they love using them), a pencil (that I broke in half and sharpened because we use little pencils in my class) and a small airhead. It cost me less than 50 cents to make each bag. I also put in the little birthday card that Cara shared here.  I know my little ones will love this special treat.

Check out the amazing things other teachers are making at Tara's Make it Monday.


  1. What a great idea! Im going to add this to my to-do list.

  2. These are great! I can see the kids faces light up when they see these. Very creative! I'm your newest follower..follow me on


  3. That is a great idea to make them all in advance. Smart thinking.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First


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