Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Fun Update

The campaign buttons my assistant and I will wear tomorrow.
         Today I told my class that they were going to chose one of the toys that would be in our classroom for the next month.  My assistant campaigned for Lego.  She explained that a vote for Lego meant that they would also get some new Lego.  I campaigned for the Sand Table and asked the constituents what they would want to dig for in the sandbox.  Suggestions included dogs and cats and jewels.  I promised that if they picked the Sand Table it would have toy dogs and cats and jewels (not sure I'll be able to keep that campaign promise because I only found little dogs and jewels among our toy and craft collections:).

During free play, many of the children chose to make posters and buttons for their preferred toy. There were also chants of  "Lego, Lego, Lego" and "Sand Table, Sand Table." The kids  are really excited about the election!

A Lego supporter (as evidenced by her giant sticker).
A Sand Box supporter.
Busy Making Campaign Posters.
Vote Lego!

After voting, each child will get an "I Voted" sticker.
Our Voting Booth is all ready for election day.

Early polling seems to suggest that we are going to have Lego in our class next month :)


  1. Sounds like the two of you are making this a very difficult decision!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I love this idea. It sounds like so much fun.
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers


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