Sunday, July 1, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

A HUGE thank you to Connie at Welcome to first Grade Room 5 for bestowing the honor of...
on myself and my little blog.  What a perfect way to start my week.   If you haven't explored all the wonderful ideas at Welcome to First Grade Room 5, make sure you stop by Connie's blog. She's fantastic!

Now, here are the next steps:
1) Link back to those that nominated you and thank them (check) 
2) Share 7 things about yourself
3) Pass the award on to 5 other blogs that you know and love

Okay, here are 7 tidbits about me.
  1. Teaching is a second (or third) career for me.
  2. One of my favorite places in the world is Keuka Lake in New York state where I vacation each summer with my extended family.
  3. We have a big sailboat.  I can't sail but I am really good at reading and entertaining on our boat.
  4. I am widely known for my "underdog pushes" on the swings.
  5. My favorite candy is See's Toffee-ettes. I have no willpower when they are around.
  6. I love my girlfriends.
  7. I am not a neat person...I really wish I were!
Finally, here are 5  blogs that I think you should check out:

Crack of Dawn Crafts
(Cheryl is not a school teacher but she posts directions for making adorable finger puppets, seasonal crafts and birthday party ideas.  What is really cool is she also writes about children's books that work well with her inspiring blog!)

Forever in First
(Tammy is one of the nicest bloggers I've "met."  I love the thoughtfulness of her Saturday Sayings)

(this is not a teaching blog but Debra does the coolest things with her kids)

Rainbows Within Reach
(Debbie always posts the greatest ideas that she finds at schools she visits as a performer and author)

Kindergarten Kindergarten
(great photos and one of the first blogs I started stalking :)


  1. Thank you Lyn. I very much appreciate your thoughtful words. I can tell that you and I would get along quite handily if we taught at the same school. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Lyn!!!! Thanks so much for the sharing the award with me and bringing some sunlight to my blogging efforts. I have so much to learn and am grateful to you for your support.

    I was just getting acquainted while here and read your amazing 'tale' into the classroom setting. I also happened to notice the "Ithaca is Gorges" t-shirt. Our daughter got her undergraduate degree there -- so we know that t quite well. (She still has it on a bumper sticker.)

    Thanks again and blog on!!

    Debbie Clement

    Thanks also for circulating PreK+K Sharing in your blogroll!!


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