Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Idea for Teachers with College Age Students

Okay, this post has nothing to do with my pre-k class. But, it is one of my best ideas so I wanted to share:)
Tonight I just hosted my 6th "Care Package Party for Our Babies."  The first party was hosted when my daughter Kiera was a freshman at the University of South Carolina.  She was 10 hours away and I missed her like crazy.  I decided to invite my friends, who were missing their first babies too, over for a party.  The invitation has changed very little over the years.  I sent the following email to my friends who had kids in college:

Please come put together a care package for your college student(s)

When: October 3rd at 7:00
Where: 207 Country Club Lane

Bring 30 of one type of small item (ie. candy bar, granola bar, nuts, a small toy, health item) and a simple appetizer to share.
* If you have multiple children in school, please bring a second set of items.

I will have boxes, tape and drinks and we will put together a box for each of our children and catch up on how they are all doing.

Can't wait to see you all!


I count how many college kids we have all together and ask for that many treats from each mom.  Actually, everyone is really generous and often bring more than one treat per child. To get ready for the party, I go online and order boxes from the post office (the right size is the medium box).  I also buy tape and wine and beer (this year I actually decided to provide the food too because we have way too much food if everybody brings food ...I haven't quite figured that out)

I then put out lots of empty bins for people to fill with their treats...the first year everything was coordinated and cute... now I just use whatever I can easily borrow from my classroom:)

These are the treats I provided...Halloween gel stickers from Target, ring pops and gushers (my son's favorites). Other  popular items are Ramen noodles, candy bars, tissues, little toys, microwave popcorn.

As my friends come in they fill up a bin or two with their treats and then catch up with friends.

When everyone has arrived we start filling up boxes.

Our kids get a wonderful collection of treats.  My kids (and all the kids) LOVE this care is the perfect box to share with roommates  and  others on the hall because it will include things that aren't necessarily your child's favorite. The moms also love getting together.  This is one of my favorite parties...both the Moms and kids are so appreciative (and I always love getting together with my friends! :)


  1. Thanks for your great idea! I have a son who is a senior and will be going off to college next year. I will definitely remember this one!

  2. What a fun idea! Therapeutic for both mums and kids.

    rubberboots and elf shoes

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Stoping by from the link up! I am loving this idea. I do not have any children yet but I will try to remember this. My husband is a teacher & a coach so this might be a great idea to do with some of the kids we have got to watch grow up.

      Have a great day!

      {sorry had to delete my other comment because of my great grammar :) }

      ~ JulieAnn


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