Sunday, July 28, 2013

First Day of School Idea

On the first day of school last year, I took a minute to speak with each child in my class.  I sat next to the child and showed them the metal board that I had bought at Target.  I told them it said "Hello my name is" and that I would like them to write their name in the white area.  I then took a picture of the child holding the sign. That first night I put all of the children's pictures and pictures of my assistant and myself on our classroom website.  The whole project was super easy but it gave me a quick little check on where each student was (at least as far as writing their name and answering a few questions about themselves and their summer).  It was also very appreciated by the parents who could look up pictures of their child's classmates when they were trying to put a face with a name.   

Our classroom website (we use where I post a newsletter and photos every week.
It also ended up as part of my "end of year keepsake" that I gave the kids.  I used CollageIt to make a collage of all of the pictures.
I made a second collage of pictures I took at the very end of our school year. I asked each child what they wanted to be when they grew up.  I wrote their answer on the red back of the "Hello my name is board."  I should have let the children write their answers themselves (or at least sign the board) but I was doing this at the very last minute (second to last day ?!?) and was afraid I wouldn't get through everyone.  I made a second collage and then laminated the two collages together.

Both the parents and  kids liked seeing how they had grown over the year and I am sure the laminated keepsake will be fun to look back on in future years.


  1. It's an adorable idea with adorable children. I've wanted one of those signs from Target. It would make for a great class book.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. I like the idea of a class book. I think I'll do that this year. Thanks

  2. Absolutely adorable! Makes me soooooo eager to get back and get busy. Thanks for sharing the ideas and the collage website.


    1. Thanks Barbara. The collage website is fun.

  3. I love how you used each of the pictures to make the collage. I actually bought that sign at Target a couple of weeks ago. It's not metal and as big, but rather a dry erase board. Thanks for sharing some great ways to use it.
    Connie Anderson:)
    Welcome To First Grade Room 5

    1. Hi Connie,
      I was so happy when I decided how to use it.

  4. I will have to keep my eyes open for the sign at Target next time I am there.


  5. I love both those ideas, Lyn!
    BTW, are you happy with Is it more private than having a class newsletter on a blog?

    1. I do like and it is nice because it is private but very easy.


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